
Monthly Archives: February 2007

My enthusiasm for writing this was just subdued by the news former NYC mayor Rudy Guiliani is running for US President. Oh great. Another Republican whose entire political career rests on his response to 9/11. Yawn…

I’ve hardly been home the last little while, even though it’s February Break. I’ve been working a lot, taking extra shifts, etc. I planned on doing a lot of homework this week, but, as per usual, those plans were little more than wishful thinking. I do need to get something done this weekend, or the next 2 weeks will be hell. Seriously.

I’m going to Regina this weekend – yeah! Even if it’s only for less than 24 hours, it’ll still be a lot of fun! I have no solid plans as to what I’ll do with whom and when – and that’s the fun of it!

Yesterday was Valentine’s – yuck. I hate the day, for many reasons. I spent it by sleeping in, then going to work, coming home and watching ‘Friday Night Lights’ and going to bed. Oh, and I bought a Cosmo magazine. And a Nora Roberts novel. Thank God for one’s imagination.

By the way, if you’re not watching ‘Friday Night Lights’ WATCH IT – NOW! I swear, it is one of the best shows on TV I have ever seen. Ever. It is that good.

Watch it. You won’t be disappointed.


The last few weeks have flown by so fast! I’ve been working a lot, picking up some extra shifts here and there as I haven’t had a lot of schoolwork. That all changes as of next week. To those of you who have been trying to get a hold of me – sorry! I haven’t been ignorning you – I just haven’t been home!

That leads to my second thought – I need to get out of here. I am going to do everything within my power to try and head down to Regina this weekend. Oh please let it work! Cross your fingers (and toes)!


My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

The Snap -

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Mental Floss

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

The Hair Pin

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

stuff antonia says.

lipstick, sacraments, espresso, & grace. not necessarily in that order.

Rage Against The Minivan

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

The Weekly Sift

making sense of the news one week at a time

Peter Enns

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Lainey Gossip Articles

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Crumbs from the Communion Table

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

David Akin’s On the Hill

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Blog - Elizabeth Esther

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Experimental Theology

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

Love is an Orientation

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.

The Atlantic

My ramblings on life, politics, sports and other things.